Tune Sweeper
Clean Up Your iTunes Library by Removing Duplicates and Fixing Track Data.

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- Download size: 12.18 MB

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Read the Tune Sweeper End User License Agreement (EULA).

Tune Sweeper download
Install Guide Uninstall Guide Free Download Limitations

How to Install Tune Sweeper.

1. Depending on the browser you are using, a windows should appear like this one. Click "Save". Tune Sweeper will then download to your PC. Select Save in the browser download window

2. Once the download is complete, click "Run" to start the Tune Sweeper installer. Launch the TouchCopy installer from your browser

Alternatively, you can start the Tune Sweeper installer by double clicking the downloaded installer package. Depending on your web browser, the installer will either either have been downloaded to your Desktop or your Downloads folder.

3. Double click on the Tune Sweeper installer to start installation.

TouchCopy installer download to your PC

4. Work through the on screen prompts of the installer by clicking next.

TouchCopy installer

5. Once installed, you can run TouchCopy by double clicking the Tune Sweeper icon on your desktop.

TouchCopy icon on the Desktop

How to Uninstall Tune Sweeper.

To completely uninstall Tune Sweeper from your PC, open your Windows Control panel and Select, "Uninstall a Program".

Uninstall a program

Next (1) Select Tune Sweeper from the list of installed software on your PC. Then (2) click the "Uninstall" button.

Uninstall TouchCopy

The Tune Sweeper uninstaller will then start. Follow the on-screen prompts to quickly remove all traces of TouchCopy from your computer.

Thank you for trying Tune Sweeper.

Free Download Limitations

  • With the trial version of Tune Sweeper, you can explore the app.
  • Tune Sweeper's features will display how it can clean and tidy your iTunes library, but will not perform any sweep or save the actions unless running the full version.
  • All limitations are removed in the registered version of Tune Sweeper.

Tune Sweeper is fully registered when it has been activated with a purchased activation code.

Buy Tune Sweeper Now