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How to Transfer iPhone Calendars to Google Calendar

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How to Transfer iPhone Calendars to Google Calendar


Google Calendar is a very popular calendar application, due to its ability to be used on multiple platforms using the same account, so you can have all your important events on one Google account. As it is also often pre-installed on many devices, it makes it the most convenient calendar app to use.

Transferring your iPhone calendars to your Google Calendar can be made easy, by simply exporting your iPhone calendar to a CSV file and then importing this into Google Calendar.

This guide will show you how to:

How to export iPhone calendars as a CSV file:

The calendar export feature in TouchCopy allows you to create a CSV file from calendars on your iPhone, iPod or iPad. This then allows you import all the important details, like event names and dates into other calendar apps, such as Google Calendar.

TouchCopy will first transfer all your calendar events from your iOS device to your PC or Mac, which is especially useful if you have a large number of events that need to be copied over.

Importing the CSV file into Google Calendar will, therefore, save you a lot of time in efficiently transferring all your events to a different application.

Here’s how to save iPhone calendars as a CSV file using TouchCopy:

  1. Download and install TouchCopy.
  2. Run TouchCopy and plug in your iPhone, iPod or iPad using a USB cable.
  3. Open Calendar, and wait for backup to be performed.
    Back up iPhone calendar with TouchCopy
  4. Then, you can click the calendars that you want to save and click save as CSV (Note: if you choose multiple calendars, it will create a CSV file per calendar).
    Transfer calendars from iPhone to Goolge Calendars with TouchCopy
  5. Choose where on your computer you would like to save the CSV file and continue, if multiple calendars they will all be saved in the same place.
Download iconFree TouchCopy Download

How to import CSV file into Google Calendar:

  1. Open Google Calendar and go to the settings, in the top left corner.
    Go to settings on Google Calendar
  2. Within settings, you want to click import and export on the sidebar.
    Click Import and Export in Google Calendar
  3. Find the CSV file on your PC and choose which calendar you want to import your CSV file to.
    Choose CSV file and calendars you want to import
  4. If there are multiple CSV files you want to import, you will need to repeat steps 2 and 3 for each one.
  5. Click Import and now all your calendar events have been imported to Google Calendar successfully!
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Publisher: Wide Angle Software