Contact Transfer - Technical Specifications
Windows PC Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 10 and Windows 11
- Microsoft .Net Framework 4. The Contact Transfer installer will detect if you do not currently have this installed and offer to install it for you.
- If using an iPhone with Contact Transfer, you'll need to have iTunes version 10 or higher installed on your PC. This is required in order to establish a connection with your iPhone.
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iPhone Requirements
- Contact Transfer is compatible with all models of iPhone.
- To use your iPhone with Contact Transfer, you'll need to connect the device to your PC using a USB cable.
- You do not need to download an additional app or component on the iPhone itself.
The type of connection required depends on the type of device you wish to use with Contact Transfer.
Android: Connect via Wi-Fi. Contact Transfer (the PC Application) and the Contact Transfer Android app need to communicate with each other over a Wi-Fi network.
Android connection guideiPhone: Connect using USB cable. Use a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your PC (a Wi-Fi connection is not required or used for iPhone).
iPhone connection guide