Copy iPod and iPhone Music to Your PC or Mac

This article provides a step-by-step guide for transferring music, playlists, podcasts, and ringtones from your iPod, iPhone, or iPad to your PC or Mac hard drive.

Head over to our next page if you would prefer to transfer music directly to iTunes or the Apple Music App.

How to copy music to computer from your iPhone, iPod or iPad

Step 1: Download and install TouchCopy.

Step 2: Run TouchCopy and connect your iPhone, iPod, or iPad via USB cable.

Step 3: Click on Music in TouchCopy and select the songs you wish to copy.

Step 4: Click "Save to PC/Mac" and choose the folder where you wish to save your music.

Copy Music from iPhone to Computer

Detailed info on how to select and copy your music

TouchCopy can copy all your iPod, iPad and iPhone songs stored in your device's Music library. All music formats that your device is capable of playing, including MP3, AAC, WAV, WMV and MP4 are supported. TouchCopy does not perform any file conversion on your tracks.

Note that TouchCopy will copy songs that are stored locally on your device. If your music is stored in iCloud, you'll first need to download it to your device before you can copy it with TouchCopy.

TouchCopy also copies any attached metadata like Play Counts, Comments and Ratings. Please see our article for a full list of the track information TouchCopy can copy.

  • Copy all tracks: To quickly copy all your songs on your device, click the Save to PC or Copy to Mac button in TouchCopy without selecting any music.
  • Copy selected tracks: You can also copy selections of music. Select the audio you wish to copy by Shift-clicking multiple items; or use ctrl+click (PC) or cmd+click (Mac) to select multiple items; or browse and search your iPod or iOS device content using TouchCopy.

Once you have selected the items you wish to copy, press the "Save to PC" or "Copy to Mac" button in the TouchCopy Control Bar to copy music from your device to your computer.

You can then select where on your computer you would like to copy your selected content. You can even copy your music to an external hard drive to save space on your computer!

By default, TouchCopy will save your music in artist / album subfolders and name the music files as:
<track number> - <track title>.

You can change the default save location, directory structure and file name format using TouchCopy settings.

Copy Status

As each track is copied onto your hard drive an icon next to that track indicates whether the copy was successful or not. The icons used are green check for success and red cross for failure.

As a track is successfully copied, TouchCopy will mark the track on your device as copied. Whenever you connect your device to TouchCopy - TouchCopy will detect the music you have previously successfully copied. See "Copy History" for more information.

Copying playlists to your computer hard drive

To copy a playlist from your iPod or iPhone to your computer hard drive, select a playlist in TouchCopy and click on "Save to PC" or the "Copy to Mac" button.

Music in the playlists will be saved to your computer in the folders and file name format you have specified in Settings/Preferences.

For Playlists, TouchCopy also produces an XML file named after the Playlist you are copying. This XML file contains information about the tracks and track order of the Playlist. The XML file can be used to import the playlist into iTunes or the Music app.

Copy iPhone playlists to PC

Adding copied music or playlists into iTunes or Music app

You can add the music you just copied into your music library. In iTunes (or the Music app on macOS Catalina or higher), select File->Add folder To Library... from the menu. Select the folder you just saved your music to and click OK.

In a similar way, you can add playlists to your music library too. In iTunes/Music, select File -> Library->Import Playlist... Select the XML file saved by TouchCopy with the same name as the playlist you require and click Open.

Note that you can also transfer music and playlists directly into your music library. See how to copy iPod and iPhone Music directly into iTunes/Music.

Transfer iPhone ringtones to computer

You can access your iPhone's ringtones in the Music section by clicking the Ringtones header. Here you'll find a list of ringtones on your connected device.

To copy the ringtones to your computer, simply select the ringtones you wish to transfer, and hit "Save to PC" / "Copy to Mac".

Check out our complete guide to iPhone ringtones for more information about how to create new ringtones, and how to transfer ringtones between devices.

Copy iPhone ringtones to computer

Save podcasts from iPhone to computer

As the Podcast format continues to grow in popularity, you may find yourself with many shows and episodes saved on your iPhone. To access these shows, open the Files section in TouchCopy and open the Podcasts folder.

Select the Podcast episodes you wish to copy to your computer, then click "Save to PC" / "Copy to Mac".

Copy iPhone podcasts to computer

Since Podcast episodes can be large files, once stored safely on your computer, you may want to consider deleting the podcast episodes from your iPhone to create more space!

Publisher: Wide Angle Software