Deleting a single contact on your iPhone is easy (tap and hold it, then choose "Delete Contact"). However, deleting multiple contacts seems to be a well-guarded secret.
Doing this on the iPhone itself can be tricky and not at all intuitive. So, in this guide, we'll show you how to easily delete multiple contacts from your iPhone using the Contact Transfer app for Windows. Then, we'll show you how to do it on the iPhone itself... if you're up for a challenge!
After deleting contacts, click "Refresh" in Contact Transfer to update the list. The contacts you removed will then disappear from the list.
Similarly, if you open the Contacts app on your iPhone, you'll see that the contacts have been deleted from there.
All contact edits, deletions, and transfers in Contact Transfer happen locally on your PC—no data is sent online.
Check out the Contact Transfer user guide for more on deleting contacts, creating new ones, and transferring contacts between devices!
As mentioned, this is quite tricky on the iPhone, so it may take a few tries to get used to it.
The use of two fingers for selection is not common on iPhones, so most users do not know that this is how to delete multiple contacts.
This method can be quite temperamental and works only on iOS16 and higher. So, if you have trouble selecting multiple contacts on your iPhone, you can try Contact Transfer instead. This app makes it easy to delete, edit, and transfer contacts between iPhone, Android, and PC—all from your computer with just a few clicks.
Easily transfer contacts between iPhone, Android and Windows PC.
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