If you're having issues with downloading Droid Transfer due to insufficient permissions, please try this direct download link...
It may also help if you change the download location. Try saving the file on your desktop instead of the default download folder. To do so, please right-click on the download link and choose the "Save As" option, which lets you choose a different download location for your file.
If you get this error again, please cancel the download and try again using a different browser. It may also be helpful to run the browser in a new private or incognito window. This allows you to get rid of any redundant scripts that may be interfering with your download.
Another thing to try is to clear your cache and disable your extensions. Your browser extensions could be blocking the download.
If you're still unable to successfully download Droid Transfer from our website, you may instead wish to get it from the Microsoft Store.
Note that purchases from our website do not apply to the Microsoft Store version of Droid Transfer. If you are able to install via the Microsoft Store, but have already purchased a license from our website, get in touch with our support team who will be happy to help.
Transfer and manage your Android device media from your Windows PC.
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