Customer Support

Configuring Windows Firewall to allow Droid Transfer to connect to an Android device

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If you can't connect Transfer Companion (Android) to Droid Transfer (PC) via USB or Wi-Fi, Windows Defender Firewall may be blocking the required ports. Once the connection established, Droid Transfer can copy files between your phone and PC.

Note that the connection Droid Transfer is making between your phone and your PC is a local connection on your Wi-Fi or USB, and no data is transmitted to Wide Angle Software or any third party.


Follow these steps to ensure that your Windows Firewall is set correctly...

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard and type "Allow an app through".
  2. Select the option "Allow an app through Windows Firewall".

    Accessing Windows Firewall settings

  3. The "Allowed Apps" window will open...
    Viewing the apps which are allowed through Windows Firewall
  4. Click "Change Settings" and enter your password if prompted.
  5. Scroll down the list of Apps to "Droid Transfer".
  6. Check the boxes to the right of Droid Transfer. Ensure that the boxes are ticked in the columns "Domain" (if present), "Private" and "Public".
    Note that column "Domain" will only be present if your computer is part of a work or a school domain, only check boxes "Private" and "Public" for home computers.
    Allowing an app through Windows Firewall
  7. Click "OK" to close the window and save the new settings.
  8. Close Transfer Companion on your phone and Droid Transfer on your PC.
  9. Open Transfer Companion on your phone and relaunch Droid Transfer on your PC.
  10. Try connecting again using Wi-Fi or USB cable.
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Publisher: Wide Angle Software